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广杰 高压静电油烟净化器GJESP-80永詶招代理油烟净化器,餐馆,湘菜抽油烟净化器 UV光解机

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最后更新: 2018-11-20 11:08

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  • 所在地区:广东
  • 收藏本公司 人气:585
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    公司文明 Corporate culture


    公司精神: 职责 立异 诚信 协作  Enterprise spirit: responsibility innovation integrity cooperation


    基地价值观:环境为本  客户导向 团队协作 寻求杰出Core values: the environment for the customer oriented team cooperation in the pursuit of excellence


    开展理念:专业解决环境维护管理疑问,为客户创值效劳,与职工共创光辉。  Development of the concept of environmental protection to solve the governance problems: professional, customer service and employee value, create brilliant.



    Enterprise vision: to improve our work, the quality of life and environment, through superior service and innovative technology, to establish a world brand of China's environmental protection industry.


    公司介绍  Company introduction


      深圳市广杰环保工程有限公司坐落我国高科技研制和制作基地深圳,为国家高新技能公司,专利示范公司。是一家致力于油烟净化器、油雾收集器,烟罩一体机,无烟烧烤车,废气处理设备等环保商品研制、出产、出售的专业公司,拥有基地部件的精密加工车间、国家规范研制基地、技能基地及职业内规范实验室。Shenzhen city wide Jie environmental protection engineering Co., Ltd. is located in China's high-tech R & D and manufacturing base in Shenzhen, for the national high-tech enterprises, patent demonstration enterprises. Is committed to a smoke purifier, oil mist collector, machine hood, smokeless barbecue car, waste gas treatment equipment professional enterprise environmental protection products R & D, production and sales, with the core components of the precision machining workshop, national standard research and development center, technology center and industry standard laboratory.


    公司是我国家电协会厨房电器专业委员会成员,油烟净化专业委员会成员,油烟净化器职业联盟高档会员单位,曾参加多项油烟净化国家规范的起草,参加油烟净化器职业联盟规范的拟定,大气排放有关规范起草。The company is a member of Specialized Committee Chinese kitchen electric appliance Association, a member of the Specialized Committee of fume purification, lampblack purifier industry alliance senior member of the drafting of national standards has participated in a number of fume purification, lampblack purifier industry alliance to participate in the formulation of standards, emissions related drafting standards.



    Company to "environmental oriented, customer oriented, team cooperation, the pursuit of excellence" for the market concept, guide the market consumption trend; resources sharing parts with international and domestic appliance brands, and actively carry out foreign technical cooperation and exchanges, through international cooperation agency (GIZ) Yin Jinde RWE international environmental group's latest fifth generation of fume treatment etc. technology, digestion and absorption of the core technology, to enhance the technical research and development ability, establish scientific and systematic human resources system.



    Company researchers experience 7 years of sedimentation, China visited 1320 counties, the heavy pollution of city resident Dundian monitoring for 26700 hours, the data collected air 625100, participate in domestic air monitoring and control project more than 1700, more than 30000 sets of air control scheme is proposed.



    The company's products cover industrial, automotive, commercial fume purifier, large oil fume oil mist treatment, waste gas treatment, atmospheric environmental monitoring equipment.


    公司商品取得多项国内外权威认证,如:我国名牌、ISO世界质量管理、美国NSF、欧洲CE、加拿大CASS等多项世界权威认证、商品热销德国、美国、东南亚等近30个国家。Company's products have a number of domestic and international authoritative certification, such as: Chinese brand, ISO international quality management, American NSF, European CE, Canada, CASS and other international authoritative certification, products sold in Germany, the United States, Southeast Asia and other countries for nearly 30.



    的基地价值观,进一步表现公司的归纳竞赛优势,刻画和培育公司的基地竞赛力,保证其商品在将来进行坚持继续、稳健的开展。目前,公司启动品牌全球化运营战略,开端在境外建立出产、出售组织,严格按照欧盟家电售后效劳规范,为全球客户供给最优异的效劳,为全球花费者发明舒适、健康、时尚的油烟净化商品,创造全球油烟净化领域风向标. For the future, the company is constantly committed to the innovation and sustainable development of enterprises, through the promotion of value for respect, benefit sharing"

    The core values of the enterprise to further play a comprehensive competitive advantage, shape and cultivate the core competitiveness of enterprises, to ensure that their products in the future to maintain a sustained, steady development. At present, the company launched a global brand management strategy, set up production and sales offices in overseas, in strict accordance with the EU appliance customer service standards of service, to provide the best quality service for global customers, create a comfortable, healthy and fashionable global consumers fume purification products, to create a global field of the fume purification benchmark.




    广杰-静电油烟净化系列Wide Jie - electrostatic fume purification series【全球抢先的商用油烟净化器品牌之一One of the world's leading brands of commercial fume purifier】


    98%以上油烟处理功率,契合新世界及广东、上海、北京等当地新规范100%完成低空排放More than 98% of the oil fume treatment efficiency, in line with the new international and Guangdong, Shanghai, Beijing and other places of the new standard 100% to achieve low emission


    静电油烟净化器Electrostatic oil fume purifier【高效除油烟High efficiency fume removing】


    CE、IAF、SA、ISO认证专业油烟净化器厂家CE, IAF, SA, ISO certified professional fume purifier manufacturers


    设备特点Equipment characteristics

    1、  商品自产自销,质量有保障; homegrown products, quality guaranteed

    2、  自主知识产权专利商品;Independent intellectual property patent product

    3、  针对不一样工业特性计划合适之机型;Design suitable models for different industrial characteristics

    4、  全机型模块化组合计划,装置快捷;Modular modular design, easy installation

    5、  设备零件均经过CE、FCC、ISO等认证;equipment parts through the CE, FCC, ISO and other certification

    6、  大型餐厅可计划自动化清洁体系;large restaurant can plan automatic cleaning system

    7、  特殊机型可定制不锈钢商品;special models can be customized stainless steel products

    8、  98%以上除油烟功率,目测无烟,契合国家环保排放规范;more than 98% removal efficiency of oil fume, visual smoke-free, meet the national environmental discharge standards

    9、  专利的极板电场,能使设备具有极高的除烟效果;the patent of the electric field, can make the equipment has a high smoke removal effect

    10、              具有电源过载维护和变压器过温维护等多重维护功用。with power overload protection and transformer over temperature protection and other multiple protection function




