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华梦felt批发 定制定做括三星手机包时尚手提包

有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2017-07-31 08:59
20.00元/ 个
100 个
20000 个

(发货期限:自买家付款之日起 天内发货)


  • 所在地区:河北
  • 收藏本公司 人气:533
    • 详细说明
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    • 联系方式
    南宫市振华毛毡厂位于南宫市东南部毛毡工业园区,建厂早,技术雄厚。交通便利,毗邻京九铁路、青银高速、大厂高速公路、106、308国道。我厂主要生产工业用密封、过滤细白羊毛毡,海面吸油羊毛化纤混纺毡,民用羊毛毡、彩色化纤针刺毡。 彩色化纤针刺毡最大幅宽2米2,长度40-50米,厚度在1-10MM。我们可以根据用户要求进行裁剪,还可以根据用户要求对毛毡进行深加工,加工成手机袋、卡袋或毛毡包。当然也可以根据用户的图纸、图案来样定做。

    欢迎国内外新老客户来电来函或网上洽谈。电话:0319-5356163 13463930156 QQ:252701460

    Nangong Zhenhua Wool Felt Woks tes in the woolen felt industy pak in the southeast of Nangong city. We have a long histoy and pocesses advanced techniques. Adjacent to Jingjiu ailway, Qingyin highway, Daguang highway, Road 106 and 308, taffic hee is also extemely convenient.

    Ou main poduct is thin and white industial woolen felt. They ae widely used in machinay, electonical machinay, chemical woks, shipping and aicaft industy. Ou poducts have vaious functions, including sealing, buffeing, polishing, insulation, shockpoof, oil potection, wam keeping and so on.

    We also poduce soft woolen felt, civil felt, coloed needle felt, and felt to absob oil and polish based on specific needs of ou clients. We can futhe pocess woolen felt into opes, stips, abasive wheels, pads, shoes, shoe-pads, bags, hangings and othe woolen felt poducts.

    If you have any inquiy o inteest in ou poducts, please feel fee to contact us. You ae specifically welcomed.

    Addess: 5 Hongmiao Steet,Nangong,Hebei povince

    Telephone: 0319-5356163 13463930156


    Best egads.

    Guihua Li, maketing manage of Nangong Zhenhua Wool Felt Woks.



